Mechanical damage recovery

We help insurance policyholders regain peace of mind after a disaster by restoring mechanical equipment so they can quickly get back to business as usual.

Assessing the damage

Before proceeding with the restoration, our team inspects mechanical equipment after a disaster to assess the extent of the damage and propose appropriate restoration solutions.

Expertise for the residential and commercial sectors

Mechanical restoration for insurers and contractors

Oil damage, fires and floods can severely damage the mechanics of machinery, appliances and other equipment. Fortunately, by intervening quickly, it is possible to restore mechanical systems to full power.


Our team inspects mechanical equipment from top to bottom


Our damage recovery specialists clean gears and all mechanical parts of high precision tools


We replace unrecoverable parts

Quality control

Our damage recovery company enforces rigorous quality control

Examples of restoration

We help insurance policyholders regain peace of mind after a disaster by restoring mechanical equipment so they can get back to business as quickly as possible.